Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I keep thinking about what to write in my blog. I have conversations with myself in my head to decide , very strange this blogging thing.

Went swimming this morning early after dropping little red head off at child care. I drive to the pool thinking what am I doing, it's too early for this? But, once I get in the pool and swim the first length I am exhilarated and ready for the rest of the day. I highly recommend it.

Today I have to load all our mp3's onto the players for selling, it'll be boring but someone has to do it. In my past life I usually had other people to do this sort of thing for me, now I have to do everything myself, everything... you don't realise when you set a business up just how many little ,boring things you are going to have to do, but you do them because its your business.
Better start then and stop procrastinating..

One more thing, we went out last night without the little red head. Was great fun, just to go out the two of us! went to a pizza place http://www.pizzateca.net/ would recommend it, and then a pub down the road, can't remember the name but it says PUB and DINING outside. Was great, reggae music plus good atmosphere. I did feel like a suburban mum who doesn't go out much, the others seemed so trendy but I guess I have other things to think about.

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