Monday, May 22, 2006

sitting in the rain

Its still raining, and its the end of May! there is even a water shortage here in the South of England, it really makes no sense considering its rained all week non-stop. Anyway, ....

Whilst the little one's still asleep I thought I'd write this to explain why I'm writing this blog.
Since mini red head was 6 months old I've been trying to combine childcare with setting up a business, its been tough, its been non-stop and full on! I needed something which allowed me to be able to share my thoughts and hopefully get advice, hear others thoughts who are going through something similar, so thought I would write this blog. I actually decided to write a blog when mini red head was 3 months old as the whole changing nappy thing was becoming mundane, but its taken this long , she's now 16 months old to actually do it! just shows how busy I am being full time mum and entrepreneur...!

that's part of the issue I think , time - we need to get back time from somewhere, there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything...

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