Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Saving the earth

As well as everything else, I am very interested in saving our planet from climate chaos. Yesterday evening a friend told me about an Indian Chief Sealth who made this amazing statement in 1854. I think it gives us all something to think about and is very pertinent in our current time of environmental crisis.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Kenwood walk and the movies

Went for a power walk around Kenwood this morning. It was beautiful! I must try to do this more often, when the weather is right, just get out of the car, the house and walk. Inspiring ...! I saw a film crew there, Kenwood has been used for lots of films, most famously Notting Hill . This made me think about other great film locations in London and, or other cities of the world. We feature film locations in our walks around cities, I'm thinking we should make more of this as many people would be interested. My best film location at the moment is Leadenhall market which was used for Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone as Diagon alley.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Snow on trees and building good websites

We are relaunching the site soon. we want to ensure the site is the best it can be with regards to search engines and also people transferring to buying when they are on the site. There is lots and lots to do for search engine optimisation, its amazing ! people don't talk about it but they have thought about it! Trust me, every web page with a site map - well, that's there for the search engines ... Its amazing really, a site needs fantastic copy, be usable, get conversions for sales and also you have to think about the search engines, what they need ,what these robots need! Its enough to make one think again about having a web site, because whats the use without the viewers and ultimately the buyers?! Maybe I shouldn't say all this stuff on my blog but I've always been a straight forward , truthful soul so why stop now?
So my top tips if you are creating a website - warning I am about to get slightly technical ish but I think you need to understand a little bit to make your web site the best it can be for search enginges anyway :-
a) think about its goal
b) work out an SEO (search engine optimisation ) policy to get to this goal
c) design the content, links , graphics around the SEO
d) make sure you have a CMS (content management system) so you can update your website whenever you want, not your web agency.
e) Enjoy it!
f) Look at this blog looks really easy to understand and informative. Love the snowy trees also!
g) there are loads of other places to look for creating a website, it all goes back to my point in a you really need to think about what your goal is and then go through relevant steps!

Monday, November 27, 2006

networking and being a mum

I need to get out more , away from my house during work hours as I need to see people , get other stimulation. But, its not that easy, there are loads of networking events in London but they are mainly in the morning or evening , as all mums reading this will know, I can't make these times as I drop off and pick up the mini m.

So, I am going to start my own networking group, for mums who have a business and live in my area!

Have already found 2 mums who will go and have their own businesses now need a couple more and we have our first group. Should be exciting. Will fill you in on details here.
So today I was all set to go out and an estate agent came round to show someone round. Well, he opened up a window in our lounge and now it won't shut! So, I am stuck here , until he comes around to sort it out! Unbelievable these estate agents!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Use a coach

I have been using a business coach called Amanda. Find her at She really focuses me and has some fantastic ideas. Basically if you need help in starting a business or focusing on what you want in life, Amanda is your woman. She has helped me so much recently I feel that I need to help her out a bit , so thought I'd advertise her name to the world , well, the world who read my blog anyway.
On a serious note using a business coach is good because it -
a) motivates you
b) focuses you
c) gives you another approach
d) your coach has nothing to do with your business so can give an objective view

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My podcast

Check out my podcast! Thanks go to clickcaster who provided a really easy to use system to upload the podcast and also the free music software of audacity . I'm rediscovering my techie roots with all this stuff, its quite exciting! I almost forgot the most important thanks - to my friend Mark White who gave me all the links to these places in the first place.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Am reinventing my marketing strategy. We are getting lots of hits to the site, so marketing is working but the turn around for sales could be better. So, we are introducing lots of new approaches, new strategies including PR, or Public Relations. After this blog am about to make lots of calls and I hate cold calling, see earlier blog, but because its me helping them to sell papers I don't feel so bad about the calls. So, if anyone has any tips for me re PR strategies please add a comment, in fact if anyone wants to say anything please add a comment - it would be nice to have some :-)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

new horizons

Its a grey day today, lightly spitting with rain. This is a typical english autumn/winter day . Reading previous posts of mine you can see that I am rather obsessed with the great British weather - it brightens my mood, or dampens it . Well, that is all in the past, I'm really trying to get on with it, not let the weather effect my moods and keep at it. After all, I live here, the reality is the weather is changeable so move on and up.
After all that philosophical stuff, back to the here and now. Just got a text message from Karen, the sister who is in South America, she is on the Patagonian coast in a beautiful seaside resort. Just receiving her message made me smile, I miss her and just to get a little text from her cheers me up, forget the rain at least my sister is happy.
So, my post today . I wanted to comment on a programme I watched last night on channel 4 - wife swap Its all about a successful business women and her family v a stay at home mum and her family. The successful woman is portrayed as a selfish bxxxx who is only interested in money. OK, her life was very dominated on her business but I really think too much was made of it, and its not necessarily only stay at home mums who give their children better care. It was obvious to me that if this woman would have stayed at home all the time her kids would have suffered as she would have been miserable. We need fair representation of successful business women and their families, I refuse to believe that we can't do both, have a business and still have a family life. I know myself and many mums I meet are really striving for this and I really believe it shouldn't be this difficult and one sided. Comments are welcome.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cold Calling - I'd rather have the Flu

Accounts are now done! After my terrible day of procrastination I just put my head down and did them! So, now I just have to contact the accountant , pay a ridiculous amount of money and its finished.
Onto the next task, cold calling.... Now I really don't enjoy this, this cold calling thing - I feel stupid talking to someone who doesn't know me or care about me. Lots of people I know don't have a problem with calling up a business and asking for Mr or Mrs Blue or Red but I do! I wish I didn't but I do. Its strange because they don't even know me, they can't see me but I get all tensed up and really don't want to call the number ....
Right, off to make one of those horrible calls... Please let me know if you know of anywhere where I can get help with this, and I'm talking for free am not interested in paying for this knowledge as I know I can do it, I can, really I can.

Monday, October 16, 2006

To do accounts or not ?!

I've got to do the yearly accounts this week. So, end of day one this is what I have achieved;

  • Taken sister to airport.
  • Bought a cake and tea as I was upset at the reality that my sister is going away for 6 months.
  • Read parenting books for an hour as I sipped my tea.
  • Went to the gym and came straight home as the swimming pool was too crowded and I didn't have my gym shoes with me.
  • Put two loads of washing on and cleared up the fridge.
  • Changed the template on my blog to add a link to my friend’s blog.

Good procrastination don't you think? Tomorrow is another day...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

customer service

Is customer service going too far? A friend just called me with a little story. She was having problems with her printer and asked for help from the help center. As a reply she received a rambling email which basically said "buy a new cartridge" . She, in her lovely English polite way, replied saying "thank you." She then received an email going on and on about how much they value her service and attitude etc etc. - shame I don't have the email to include but it was really long. She then got asked to take a customer service survey! So, her politeness has meant she has been asked to take a survey which when filling in she must add a comment such as "How much time do you waste writing long-winded emails to me when you could be taking other calls?!"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Thinking about how to motivate myself. I lay outside for a while mulling things over in my head and then proactively got on the phone and got on with things. It has taken weeks to feel this motivated and I did it with no apparent trigger . Any tips for keeping motivated every day like this?

Monday, September 18, 2006


Do you believe in female intuition? I have decided I do. I was stuck in traffic this morning and suddenly a thought came to my head about why my daughter doesn't eat very well. I'm not sure if my intuition is correct but it usually is, will update when I have worked out what to do with my thought. The other day I sent off a business letter, as soon as I sent it through the letter box I knew it was incomplete but it was too late to retrieve the letter. I envisaged the actual page that was incomplete. A week later I get a response that I have to return the letter with the page I had thought about actually completed!
So female intuition is very active in my head , it always has been. Workwise an old boss of mine once said "I need you on this project to report back to me on how people are thinking about it".
From today I'm going to make a mental note of any random thoughts I have, I will not ignore them but do what they say , it'll be an interesting experiment .

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

a new blogging start

long time no blog. I've had a blogging break due to the unrelenting demands of no childcare, 20 month old demanding attention unless she is asleep and a business to run.
Decided to start reblogging but keep each blog short and straight to the point.
so thats it for today.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Another trip to the dentists. I hate dentists! He says "relax" and you obviously tense up , he says it won't hurt and it does! This time, the injection hadn't kicked in so every couple of seconds I had a pain until the injection worked, he even offered me another injection to which I said "no way!" and suffered until the numbness kicked in... Still I have a lovely white tooth now instead of a silver old filling and the only thing to suffer is my bank balance.
Whilst lying in the chair listening to a variety of songs on my ipod I realised that this was one of the only times I get to lie down and listen to music. Isn't that awful, the only time I switch off from being a mum and running a business is when I am forced to lie down and have a filling!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today I'm engrossed in how to create a podcast. Using the tutorial from I'm attempting to create one. It looks easy, but actually I'm finding creating it really tough. This leads me to thinking, the millions of people out there who are creating there own podcasts every day, isn't there something better for them to be doing with there lives? We went away this weekend to beautiful Suffolk have a look at .We spent 2 days walking around in beautiful countryside and it made me think that shouldn't that be what everyone is doing rather than writing blogs, reading emails, recording podcasts? I'm not sure that all this modern technology is helping the world, its making the world sit in front of computers, not spend their leisure time in nature, or reading etc Today I met a fellow mum who told me that her kids in primary school do most of their homework on computer, is that right to sit there staring at a screen rather than writing on paper or reading a book? I don't know, I do know that there are many benefits of this computer age but I am wondering if people take it too far?...
Anyway, back to my podcasting, why can't I find the answer to a simple question, like do I have to post my podcast onto a website ? can't it be stand alone?
Just to let you know, I solved the above, I just needed to read the next page of the lesson. OOPS.
My message of the day for myself is therefore, only do one thing at a time.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

website mania

We have received a developmental version of our website and it's awful! This is the main selling engine for our business so it must be good and professional but currently it looks old and cheap. Its at this point when running a business where you can :-
a) feel miserable and worry about how things are going
b) feel miserable , worry about how things are going and do nothing
c) all of the above except make sure to proatively get things right again.
I'm choosing to do the last option,c as I feel I have no other choice, to do the first 2 means I don't have a business.
All obvious stuff but its hard to motivate yourself and carry on when it feels like everything is a chore and you are seeing no results. Its also raining again! so that doesn't help!

I hope in my next blog I'll be more upbeat ...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I keep thinking about what to write in my blog. I have conversations with myself in my head to decide , very strange this blogging thing.

Went swimming this morning early after dropping little red head off at child care. I drive to the pool thinking what am I doing, it's too early for this? But, once I get in the pool and swim the first length I am exhilarated and ready for the rest of the day. I highly recommend it.

Today I have to load all our mp3's onto the players for selling, it'll be boring but someone has to do it. In my past life I usually had other people to do this sort of thing for me, now I have to do everything myself, everything... you don't realise when you set a business up just how many little ,boring things you are going to have to do, but you do them because its your business.
Better start then and stop procrastinating..

One more thing, we went out last night without the little red head. Was great fun, just to go out the two of us! went to a pizza place would recommend it, and then a pub down the road, can't remember the name but it says PUB and DINING outside. Was great, reggae music plus good atmosphere. I did feel like a suburban mum who doesn't go out much, the others seemed so trendy but I guess I have other things to think about.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

help ...!

Right, I've just found out that I have no childcare for August. What am I meant to do? I mean we can't run a website business without someone running it! So any ideas would be good. At the moment I'm thinking ask hubby to take one day off for each week and I work and then working all night long plus maybe getting friends to help out. any suggestions would really,really help. There are web sites out there for temporary child care but I don't want little redhead do go to someone she doesn't know for 3 days a week....

the sun is out

The sun is finally out , for at least 2 hours so far! does this mean the start of summer?
Funnily enough the sun coming out means I am feeling much happier and more positive , its amazing how much weather effects your moods.

Today our website took one step closer to going live. I've sent everything to the webdevelopers and now we just wait until next week to test the website. Its very exciting and daunting too, to think that in a matter of weeks we will be a trading business, as opposed to a business setting up... Hopefully our offering will attract customers and I may finally have some money to spend!

Its taken nearly a year to get this far, ok its hard to be a mum and also set up a business so it may be quicker if you are working full time on the business, I think I do work full time just not solely on the business, I also look after the little red head. However there are some things I have learnt -

a) make it crystal clear whose role and responsibility it is to do what
b) ensure you agree who has final say
c) if you do use friends to help ensure you have either a very firm friendship or can detach from the work thing when you meet up
d) clarify all dates and timings with everyone, set achievable dates and ensure everyone knows what these are
e) Budget for double what you think it will cost!!
f) if with child, ensure that you clarify child care and budget for the costs!! I find it impossible to work if the little red head is in the vicinity, she will either reach for the laptop or whine if she doesn't get it .. and work phone calls whilst baby is in the house? I don't think so!

Monday, May 22, 2006

sitting in the rain

Its still raining, and its the end of May! there is even a water shortage here in the South of England, it really makes no sense considering its rained all week non-stop. Anyway, ....

Whilst the little one's still asleep I thought I'd write this to explain why I'm writing this blog.
Since mini red head was 6 months old I've been trying to combine childcare with setting up a business, its been tough, its been non-stop and full on! I needed something which allowed me to be able to share my thoughts and hopefully get advice, hear others thoughts who are going through something similar, so thought I would write this blog. I actually decided to write a blog when mini red head was 3 months old as the whole changing nappy thing was becoming mundane, but its taken this long , she's now 16 months old to actually do it! just shows how busy I am being full time mum and entrepreneur...!

that's part of the issue I think , time - we need to get back time from somewhere, there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The beginning

So , this is the beginning. The start of a new epoch in my already over crowded life. Why? who knows? a chance to air my thoughts, another time waster, oh, I know, something to do in these lovely rainy english may evenings...