Tuesday, October 24, 2006

new horizons

Its a grey day today, lightly spitting with rain. This is a typical english autumn/winter day . Reading previous posts of mine you can see that I am rather obsessed with the great British weather - it brightens my mood, or dampens it . Well, that is all in the past, I'm really trying to get on with it, not let the weather effect my moods and keep at it. After all, I live here, the reality is the weather is changeable so move on and up.
After all that philosophical stuff, back to the here and now. Just got a text message from Karen, the sister who is in South America, she is on the Patagonian coast in a beautiful seaside resort. Just receiving her message made me smile, I miss her and just to get a little text from her cheers me up, forget the rain at least my sister is happy.
So, my post today . I wanted to comment on a programme I watched last night on channel 4 - wife swap Its all about a successful business women and her family v a stay at home mum and her family. The successful woman is portrayed as a selfish bxxxx who is only interested in money. OK, her life was very dominated on her business but I really think too much was made of it, and its not necessarily only stay at home mums who give their children better care. It was obvious to me that if this woman would have stayed at home all the time her kids would have suffered as she would have been miserable. We need fair representation of successful business women and their families, I refuse to believe that we can't do both, have a business and still have a family life. I know myself and many mums I meet are really striving for this and I really believe it shouldn't be this difficult and one sided. Comments are welcome.

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