Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cold Calling - I'd rather have the Flu

Accounts are now done! After my terrible day of procrastination I just put my head down and did them! So, now I just have to contact the accountant , pay a ridiculous amount of money and its finished.
Onto the next task, cold calling.... Now I really don't enjoy this, this cold calling thing - I feel stupid talking to someone who doesn't know me or care about me. Lots of people I know don't have a problem with calling up a business and asking for Mr or Mrs Blue or Red but I do! I wish I didn't but I do. Its strange because they don't even know me, they can't see me but I get all tensed up and really don't want to call the number ....
Right, off to make one of those horrible calls... Please let me know if you know of anywhere where I can get help with this, and I'm talking for free am not interested in paying for this knowledge as I know I can do it, I can, really I can.

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