Thursday, May 25, 2006

the sun is out

The sun is finally out , for at least 2 hours so far! does this mean the start of summer?
Funnily enough the sun coming out means I am feeling much happier and more positive , its amazing how much weather effects your moods.

Today our website took one step closer to going live. I've sent everything to the webdevelopers and now we just wait until next week to test the website. Its very exciting and daunting too, to think that in a matter of weeks we will be a trading business, as opposed to a business setting up... Hopefully our offering will attract customers and I may finally have some money to spend!

Its taken nearly a year to get this far, ok its hard to be a mum and also set up a business so it may be quicker if you are working full time on the business, I think I do work full time just not solely on the business, I also look after the little red head. However there are some things I have learnt -

a) make it crystal clear whose role and responsibility it is to do what
b) ensure you agree who has final say
c) if you do use friends to help ensure you have either a very firm friendship or can detach from the work thing when you meet up
d) clarify all dates and timings with everyone, set achievable dates and ensure everyone knows what these are
e) Budget for double what you think it will cost!!
f) if with child, ensure that you clarify child care and budget for the costs!! I find it impossible to work if the little red head is in the vicinity, she will either reach for the laptop or whine if she doesn't get it .. and work phone calls whilst baby is in the house? I don't think so!

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