Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today I'm engrossed in how to create a podcast. Using the tutorial from http://radio.about.com/od/podcastin1/a/aa030805a.htm I'm attempting to create one. It looks easy, but actually I'm finding creating it really tough. This leads me to thinking, the millions of people out there who are creating there own podcasts every day, isn't there something better for them to be doing with there lives? We went away this weekend to beautiful Suffolk have a look at http://www.visit-suffolk.org.uk/ .We spent 2 days walking around in beautiful countryside and it made me think that shouldn't that be what everyone is doing rather than writing blogs, reading emails, recording podcasts? I'm not sure that all this modern technology is helping the world, its making the world sit in front of computers, not spend their leisure time in nature, or reading etc Today I met a fellow mum who told me that her kids in primary school do most of their homework on computer, is that right to sit there staring at a screen rather than writing on paper or reading a book? I don't know, I do know that there are many benefits of this computer age but I am wondering if people take it too far?...
Anyway, back to my podcasting, why can't I find the answer to a simple question, like do I have to post my podcast onto a website ? can't it be stand alone?
Just to let you know, I solved the above, I just needed to read the next page of the lesson. OOPS.
My message of the day for myself is therefore, only do one thing at a time.

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