Thursday, June 01, 2006

website mania

We have received a developmental version of our website and it's awful! This is the main selling engine for our business so it must be good and professional but currently it looks old and cheap. Its at this point when running a business where you can :-
a) feel miserable and worry about how things are going
b) feel miserable , worry about how things are going and do nothing
c) all of the above except make sure to proatively get things right again.
I'm choosing to do the last option,c as I feel I have no other choice, to do the first 2 means I don't have a business.
All obvious stuff but its hard to motivate yourself and carry on when it feels like everything is a chore and you are seeing no results. Its also raining again! so that doesn't help!

I hope in my next blog I'll be more upbeat ...

1 comment:

CoolGirl said...
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